2024 Poster Presentations


Preliminary list as of September 13. Please check back for more.

EpiScreen 2.0 Immunogenicity Assays Utilizing EdU Proliferation and Activation Marker Analysis Provide Sensitive, Data-Rich Immunogenicity Assessments

Strategy to Increase Throughput and Method Sensitivity for Clinical Immunogenicity Studies

argenx BV
Validation of a Highly Drug Tolerant Direct Competitive Ligand Binding Assay for the Detection of Neutralizing Antibodies

ImmuneSpec BV
High-Sensitive MAPPS Analysis for High-Confident Immunogenicity Risk Assessment

Lightcast Discovery
A Drop of Insight: Single Cell Functional Profiling for Immunotherapy

Optimization of Anti-Polyethylene Glycol (PEG) Anti-Drug Antibody (ADA) Assay Format and Reagents to Increase Breadth of Immunoglobulin Isotype and Subclass Detection

Novo Nordisk A/S
Higher Order Insulin Structures Impact IgE-Mediated Activation of Sensitized Basophils

Development of ADA ELISA Utilizing ACE Method to Increase Drug Tolerance and Assay Sensitivity

Regeneron Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
Characterizing Immunogenicity to mAbs in a COVID-19 Clinical Study

Smithers Pharmaceutical Development Services
Overcoming Drug Tolerance Challenges in the Development of Immunogenicity Assays

